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"Bullet" of algae passing through microbeads


Erosion of a honeycomb microfluidic network


Clustering of passive particles induced by swimming bacteria


Air injection in a water flow


Raft of beads on the free surface of a glass of beer

Research interests

I am a physicist specialised in fluid mechanics, with a strong interest in hydrodynamics and microfluidics.
I am particularly interested in using microfluidics to better understand swimming microorganisms, for instance the interactions of such living microswimmers (bacteria, microalgae...) with their environment.


I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Living Systems Institute (University of Exeter, United Kingdom) with Kirsty Y. Wan. I am studying the behaviour of unicellular eukaryotes such as diatoms and excavates.

During my previous postdoc
at LadHyX (École polytechnique, Palaiseau) with Gabriel Amselem, I worked on two main projects:

- The erosion of microfluidic channels and its importance to homogenise flows;
- The transport of passive particles by swimming micro-algae.

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